Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sekihan & something extra

Sekihan(red bean rice) is made with Azuki bean(red bean or Hong Dou) steamed with sticky rice. It will give the rice a reddish color because of the red bean. The dish comes from Japan and it's very traditional because it is often served in festivals, birthdays, weddings, etc. This dish tookapproximately 30 minutes to make, the only thing that was really time consuming was making the rice, other than that it's very easy and simple to make. I made it on a Friday at my friend's house since she wanted to try it out, she enjoy seeing me cook since I rarely ever touch the stove. While I was preparing the dish, I found that having only rice and bean was too plain for my taste therefore I made a rolled omelet(super easy) and a fruit salad. Also in Japan they have something called "Bento" which is basically a boxed lunch, a lot of people tries to avoid anything that contains liquid (soup, spaghetti,etc.) So having fruits and rolled omelet with Sekihan is perfect for a bento! Not only it is super easy to make, its has no meat and it's a light meal which is perfect during lunch time and its pretty colorful without any artificial coloring.

To make Sekihan
  • 1 cup of Azuki bean(canned)
  • 2 cups of rice (I didn't use japanese rice so it didn't stick)
  • salt
Wash the rice with water several times until the water becomes clear. Open the can of Azuki beans and wash them with water as well. Put the beans and rice together in a rice cooker and 20 minutes after it should be done. Also, season it with a bit of salt and keep it as simple as possible.

Rolled omelet(you can put anything you want in it)
  • 2 eggs
Beat the eggs in a bowl well, heat the pan to a medium and pour a bit(A BIT) of oil. To spread the oil on the pan just use a paper towel and wipe it around the pan, it won't remove the oil it will only evenly coat it. When the pan is hot enough pour about 1/3 of the whipped eggs and then you roll it, its the same process until you run out.

Fruit (salad) depends if you want it with juice.
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Oranges
Im sure you guys know how to do it already but all you got to do is cut the oranges and strawberries to bite size pieces and odviously, wash them.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, this is such a simple dish, but so nutritious! I'm glad you were able to share this with someone!
