Thursday, April 29, 2010

Earth Day!!

On April 22nd Jess, Theresa and I made a poster about water pollution and how companies would destroy these trees that protects the lands from hurricanes just to build these shrimp farms. I drew the poster which took me about 1 hour and a half because I was thinking about the outline and what to put on it and how to display it. My part in the project was to talk about what chemicals were admit into the sea and rivers, slowly mutating the fish and plants underwater and how they had to close down beaches because they were filled with waste, chemicals, and diseases.

A lot of people found our project pretty interesting, however some did avoid coming towards us because they were busy. The title stood out a lot because it was very colorful and attracted a few people to stop and read a few notes we posted. We did explain to quite a few about how all the farming was cause this pollution and as well as the waste land. Even though our poster stood out a lot, I credit the classmates for a job well done on their posters.

Honestly, I was surprised to see a lot of people participate. My point of view on presenting information to other students was just another project and boring, that day made me change the way I saw everything. It was fun and interesting and all the students were having fun. The one I found the most interesting was the worms, I never get grossed out so it didn't bother me at all, they even asked me to eat one. I hope they were joking about that. I always love animals so when we where heading towards Jake's I instantly ran towards the dog as soon as my eyes laid on it, it was the most adorable thing ever. It didn't bark and was very calm, he was rescued from a puppy mill after being trapped there for 7-8 years. I never supported mills and was really happy to offer my love towards that adorable dog.

Earth day was really interesting and fun because everyone at Vanier participated, without an audience there will be no one to entertain. I've also learned how to make my own iced tea! It didn't taste sweet even though I put 3 spoons of sugar but I felt refreshed and it didn't cost me a penny.

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