Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 22nd: Earth Day

Before I begin, I would like to thank those of my classmates who donated to the 30 Hour Famine during Earth Day. Over 200$ has been raised thus far.

During the event, as previously mentioned, I was raising money for World Vision's event. I was also participating as a member of the Food Fight Humanities class, and working as a member of the Vanier Social Justice Committee to support the ban of plastic water bottles on campus and to raise support in keeping open the last six prison farms in Canada (one of which is slated to close in June of this year).

With my class, we did a poster around the theme of "What ARE you eating?" since people are consuming who knows what every time they eat. People seemed to be interested in our poster, but really didn't want to know while they were eating. I think it was the pictures that we stuck all over the place that drew attention to us. Some of them were just plain creepy, which a lot of people commented on.

I really liked the college activities and really wished I could have gotten a better look at some of them. The dog at the Against Puppy Mills table was just so adorable and a great attention grabber. He was just to die for. The worm table was also awesome, mainly because (weird as this is) I watched a worm- chosen completely at random- give birth on my finger. It was bizarre.

Out of all the kiosks that I saw, the most interesting one to me was done by a classmate. It was the one with all drawings and no information. It was just so out there. I found myself asking "How does Spongebob Squarepants and Garfield relate at all to Earth Day?" The rest of the drawings were understandable, but I felt compelled to know what the whole idea was. I had a vague idea to begin with, but the poster was so well done since we are required to ask questions. Good job, guys!

All in all, it was a good day. Take care now, everyone!

Alicia Scott

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