Thursday, April 29, 2010

Earth Day

Blog Report: Earth Day

For Earth Day, I contributed, evidently, by creating a poster with a group and put it up in Jake’s mall. The poster spoke about fast food, and obesity. Other than that, I used a reusable water bottle as opposed to my normal plastic water bottles.

The class’s posters caught a lot of people’s attention, and I’m sure they learned things they did not already know. A lot of the information on the posters were either surprising, or simply interesting to know. I noticed a lot of people were signing the petitions that were circling around.

I enjoyed what the college provided, as it was informative and generally different. One booth that appealed to me was the animal cruelty booth, although I have to admit it was because they had a live dog named Romeo, who was super tiny. The booth obviously explained animal cruelty and had two petitions of which I signed.

Another booth that was interesting was the booth talking about plastic water bottles. It’s important to be conscious of this topic because many (including myself on occasion) decide to trash water bottles instead of recycling them. Water bottles currently greatly contribute to global warming, where 86 % of water bottles end up in the garbage, and how the production of water bottles produces tons of carbon dioxide.

In total, I enjoyed Vanier’s participation for Earth Day, and enjoyed contributing to it myself.

This link provides most of the information given for bottled water.

James Lapierre ~ Earth Day Contribution

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