Thursday, October 7, 2010

Very Interesting!

We found this post by Siyana to be indeed one of the most shocking. “Most shocking: According to statistics from Canadian Food Inspection Agency , between two and three million farm animals are found dead each year when trucks are unloaded at Canadian abattoirs.” Animals are frequently mistreated in factory farms, which is unacceptable.

However, we've determined that the Statscan website was in fact the most informative. It's reliable, an offers many intersting facts such as the estimated amount of antibiotics in our livestock, and the number of functionning farms today.

So far in class we've learned about the health and environmental effects of what we eat. We now know that most of our meat isn't farmed in a sustainable manner, and that by buying imported vegetables we are in fact contributing to lowering water tables worldwide. It's inevitable that we will apply this knowledge to our lifestyle. We may reduce meat consumption, buy locally, use reusable water bottles, or even be encouraged to plant our own gardens one day. Ultimately, it's our actions that will make the difference.

Jonathan and Sabrina

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for highlighting the statscan site. I would have missed it otherewise!
