Thursday, October 7, 2010


WARNING! This website has extremely graphic pictures of animals being tortured.

Whether your an animal lover or not, I am sure we can all agree that what is happening to these animals is wrong. It is unnecessary and cruel and we are supporting this cruelty by buying meat products. You're probably thinking "well I'm not the one burning these animals alive, or breaking their legs!". No you're right you're not doing it...but you're paying someone else to do it. I bet if people had to go out and kill animals themselves to have that hamburger for lunch, I'm sure their eating habits would change pretty quickly. We have to stop pretending this isn't happening and do something about it! The animals need us, we have to be their voice. I'm not trying to tell you to stop eating meat right this second, which has it's benefits by the way...Did you know vegetarians live an average of 7 years longer than meat eaters?!? These animals are fed all kinds of garbage, feces,and antibiotics , does that sound delicious to you? People are addicted to meat, and I understand it is very hard to stop eating it. The trick is to cut down slowly; if you're eating meat every day, cut down to five days a week. I promise you will start to feel a lot better physically and it will get easier every week. You will not only be saving soem animals' lives but also helping the environment.

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